
Podgorica – description of the city

Podgorica is the capital city of Montenegro, located in the central region only 50km from the Adriatic Sea. By population it is the biggest city in the country, with approximately 200 000 inhabitants. It is located under Gorica Hill, city’s namesake. Podgorica is famous by its rivers – Morača, Ribnica, Zeta, Sitnica, Mareza and Cijevna. Canyons of Morača and Cijevena are located in the city. The city almost completely devastated during World War II and rebuilt afterwards. Montenegro Pride is held annually since 2011 and Podgorica is the only city which hosts LGBTIQ+ pride rallies.


Local plan for improving social inclusion and development of social and child protection services 2020-2023 includes various activities for promoting human rights, empowering target groups and reducing discrimination. Local action plan is in accordance with the Strategy for improving the Quality of Life of LGBTI People in Montenegro 2019-2023.

LGBTIQ persons are recognized as one of the target groups and activity plan with the goal of improving human rights of LGBTIQ persons in Podgorica. During the preparation of the document, the working group integrated the results of the work of working groups that developed ideas for improving the lives of LGBTIQ persons and preventing socially unacceptable behavior of children and young people.


Improve human rights of LGBTIQ persons

For how long has there been a specific LGBT emancipation policy?

Since 2020

Key focus areas (short term(1 Year)and long term(4 years))

Short term:

Cooperation with LGBTIQ community, organizing public events in support of tenth Montenegro Pride rally, completion, and implementation of activities of Local plan for improving social inclusion and development of social and child protection services 2020-2023; promotion of human rights and anti-discriminatory behavior.

Long term:

Develop and adopt new action plan for improving human rights of LGBTIQ persons; reduce homophobia and transphobia; empower LGBTIQ community; improve social inclusion of LGBTIQ persons; increase visibility of queer arts and culture.

Municipal sectors/services involved

Secretariat for Social Welfare

Collaboration with advocacy / interest groups, NGO ‘s, healthcare

Municipality has a good cooperation with civil society organization. Capital City of Podgorica has signed Memorandum of Cooperation with four NGOs: NGO Juventas, Queer Montenegro, Association Spektra and Association of LBTQ Women Stana.Secretariat of Social Welfare has signed Memorandum of Understanding with NGO LGBT Forum Progress.

Other collaboration partners

Ministry of Human and Minorities Rights, Ministry of Education, Police Department, Institute for Educa-tion, etc.

Which administration section will implement the policy?

Office for LGBTIQ persons as part of the Secretariat for Social Welfare