
The City of Helsinki is fully committed to the provisions of the Act on Equality between Women and Men and the Non-Discrimination Act which oblige public authorities in Finland to purposefully promote gender equality and equality based on other protected characteristics, and to combat discrimination, in all their actions.
Gender, gender identity and gender expression are specified as protected characteristics in the Act on Equality between Women and Men and sexual orientation in the Non-Discrimination Act. Gender equality and non-discrimination are considered cross-cutting themes in the actions of the City. One important tool for the promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination in practice are gender equality and non-discrimination plans for personnel and services implemented at the city level.
The main goal of the gender equality and non-discrimination work in the City of Helsinki is that all citizens, including people belonging to gender and sexual minorities, are able to live a good life and have the freedom to be seen and heard, participate and act in the City just as they are without any fear of direct or indirect discrimination.
Focus Areas
Short term:
Strengthening and developing Helsinki Pride cooperation
Long term:
Capacity-building of the personnel to improve LGBTI+ inclusion in the services of the City,
improving data collection on sexual and gender minorities, positively influencing the general attitude towards LGBTI+ by means of communication.

Collaboration partners
All sectors: City Executive Office, Culture and Leisure, Education, Social Services and Health Care and Housing and Environment.
The City of Helsinki is one of the main partners in Helsinki Pride (Finland’s largest annual LGBTI+ event) and thus in close cooperation with the Helsinki Pride community.
The Helsinki City Executive Office’s Communications division is responsible for the coordination and development of non-discrimination and gender equality.
Equality and Non-discrimination Coordination Group from the different divisions and central administration coordinates, directs and monitors the citywide goals, plans, and measures of equality and non-discrimination work.
Gender Equality and Non-discrimination Commissions consisting of elected officials monitor the implementation of equality and non-discrimination in the City.
Promoting equality is everyone’s responsibility in the City organization.
Picture credits: Jussi Hellsten, Maja Astikainen/ Helsinki Marketing