
The City of Copenhagen
The history of our LGBTI+ community is integral to the city’s larger progressive narrative. In Copenhagen, people must be able to be themselves and live their authentic lives. Our city is – and should always be – for all people, regardless of gender, age, colour, disability, religion, sexuality, and gender identity.

In 1989, the City of Copenhagen was first in the world to marry a homosexual couple. Regrettably, discrimination still exists, and recent surveys show health disparities among LGBTI+ residents. In 2017, the City Council decided that the City of Copenhagen would draft a comprehensive policy to address LGBTI+ related issues. The title of the policy is “An Equal Part of the Community”. It was adopted by the City Council on January 31st, 2019 and is running until 2023.
The policy is clear in its vision; it supports the City of Copenhagen in meeting LGBTI+ residents with respect, dialogue, and trust to ensure equal treatment for all, and make sure that the values apply to all.
The goal of the policy is to create a starting point for the city administration — and for Copenhagen as a whole — to work towards equal opportunities for all residents regardless of sexuality and gender identity.
The LGBTI+ policy covers a wide range of interactional issues, core services and organizational action guidelines. The policy applies to all seven sectors of administration in the City of Copenhagen and is highly specific in its demands to ensure coordinated work and efficient implementation.
Key focus areas
The administration of the City of Copenhagen is divided into seven separate sectors. All seven sectors have committed themselves to complete LGBTI+ initiatives. A few of each administration’s initiatives are listed below.
The Children and Youth Administration works to establish a secure base where core values of respect, equality, dialogue, and trust are taught to children, youths, and parents. Knowledge is shared with every daycare, school, and youth club to ensure that the growth of a child is not limited by a stereotypical view of gender identity or sexual orientation. This administration also works to prevent bullying related to sexuality using educational initiatives such as “Normstormerne” (Norm Stormers) and “Uge Sex” (Sex Week).
The Culture and Leisure Administration ensures user-friendly experiences for LGBTI+ residents with equal access to sports facilities, libraries, and other leisure activities. This administration also hosted Copenhagen 2021, one of the years’ most significant LGBTI+ events, that combined WorldPride and EuroGames, an eclectic arts and culture program, and the biggest ever LGBTI+ human rights forum.
The Employment and Integration Administration provides safe accommodations for LGBTI+ refugees, coaching and workshops for businesses regarding LGBTI+ recruitment, and supports a night-life free of discrimination through its campaign “Et trygt natteliv” (A Safe Nightlife) that reaches 40.000 people every year.
The Finance Administration coordinates both city affairs and overall employee relations for 45.000 municipal employees. Inclusiveness is essential in an organization where diversity is defined as an asset. This administration invites speakers from LGBT+ Danmark to address its employees, develops e-learning to implement the LGBTI+ policy, and implements prejudice-free communication throughout the organization.
The Health and Care Administration focuses on the mental, sexual, and social health among LGBTI+ residents. This administration manages the TRANSIT discussion groups about gender identity and supports “Slottet” (The Castle), a nursing home with a rainbow profile where the staff is educated in LGBTI+ issues. The administration also works with AIDS Fondet. Their ‘Checkpoint’-clinic offers free tests for sexually transmitted diseases and information about “chemsex”.
The Social Services Administration has a “Kærlighed og seksualitet” (Love and Sexuality) initiative that offers a space to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity with residents with physical and mental disabilities. This administration also runs a campaign among children and youths to raise awareness about the work of “LGBT+ Ungdom” (LGBT+ Youth).
The Technical and Environmental Administration aims to keep the city green as well as diverse. It is important that all residents experience the same spaciousness in city-life. Unisex toilets and manned playgrounds with gender positive staff are two of this administration’s initiatives.
Other noteworthy initiatives spanning all seven administrations include the City of Copenhagen’s hotline where employees can report experiences of discrimination, and the yearly participation in the Copenhagen Pride under the slogan “Copenhagen is for everyone”.
Collaboration with advocacy/interest groups
The policy involves collaboration with several NGO’s and LGBTI+ organizations e.g. Copenhagen Pride, AIDS-Fondet, Normstormerne, LGBT Asylum, Sabaah and LGBT+ Danmark.
URL to (information on) local LGBT policy on municipal site
LGBTI+ Policy for the city of Copenhagen 2019-2023 |

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